Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Which way, where and when?

With the football season over (sorry Alex) its down to planning this week.  First things, where do we want to go and which way round do we travel.  Kev got the bible out (his addition of the Australian bush pubs) and we marked a number of pubs on the map.  We want to ensure we include a visit to the Stockmans Hall of Fame in Longreach and climb Ayres rock.  I always feel it necessary to include an educational stop over on a trip such as this so a stop in Balcaldine to the birth place of the tree of knowledge and Innaminka to see the dig tree.  To finish up we need to include a spot of fossicking at Haarts range (to pay for the trip lol) and view a once in a life time image of water in Lake Eyre.

Taking account of all these factors, we have decided to head north first into western Queensland and then travel west into the Northern Territory via the Plenty Highway and then down into South Australia and back up to North Western NSW and back home.  I estimate 7500 km's to travel over a 5 week period with around 24 pubs to drink at.  So based on 9km a litre times an average of $1.60 a litre (recent info says Birdsville is charging $1.74 a litre for diesel) we can expect to to budget for $1400 to $1500 should cover fuel.  Kevin says he will be trying the beer diet so we won't need much in the way of food.

We have both started with lists of things to take, with tools and equipment at the top.  Kevin has a lot of good tools, spare parts, recovery gear and first aid stuff.  I reckon we will have heaps of room in the truck with just the two of us in the truck.  We decided not to go shooting on properties in Western QLD as it's all too hard with permits for rifles across 3 States and the Territory.  Its time we had uniform federal gun laws, we all live in the one country!

Till next time and the next planning leg

Pub Crawlers 


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